Warning: Reader discretion advised

Some works of fiction presented on this site contain foul language, descriptions of sexual situations and descriptions of graphic violence against humans, aliens and zombies. These stories are not intended for children, for Tim's mom or for anyone offended by filth.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Week 01 notes

Welcome to what I should probably call the public beta of Week Fiction. One of these days, I'll be publishing these short stories across multiple platforms in more readable formats (anybody interested in Kindle?). For now, I'm just trying to get things rolling.

Every Monday in 2010, I'll be posting a new piece of short fiction. I pretty much stole the idea from Jonathan Coulton, who recorded a new piece of music each week for his "Thing-a-Week" podcast in 2005.

I fancy myself a talented writer of short stories. I wrote some good ones in college, but I spent so much time with full-time jobs and video games over the last 5 1/2 years that I hadn't written one bit of fiction. Figure it's time to put up or shut up.

The point here is to entertain my friends and (I hope) some strangers while proving to myself that adulthood and a nine-to-five haven't snuffed out the creative spark.

And so I present "Wanksgiving," a cautionary tale that taps into the emotional vulnerability of college-age males who feel unloved. In this case, I came up with a title I thought was funny, and the story kind of evolved from there.

Cheers, courage and thanks for reading,
Tim Agne

1 comment:

  1. like the details. i really hope that never happened though :)
